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“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.”                                                                                                 — Mary Lou Cook
K-12 Computational Thinking Programming

The Fort Cherry School District developed a K-12 computational thinking program. The program includes:

K-8: STEAM Program - All students receive instruction in block-based programming utilizing Scratch and App Inventor, robotics (i.e. Cubelets, Lego NXT Mindstorms, Hummingbird Duos, WeDo, littlebits, etc.), and other innovative technologies including Squishy Circuits, eTextiles, and Minecraft.

K-8: Technology Literacy Program - All students receive instruction in Computer Applications (i.e. Microsoft Office, GoogleDocs, etc.) and Digital Citizenship.

9-12: Computer Programming Program - All students have the opportunity to participate in text-based and 3D programming courses and after-school programming, including Introduction to Computer Programming, Unity 3D Programming, Mechanical Engineering, and Architectural Engineering, 3D Modeling, and Python Programming.

Ranger Harvest

The Fort Cherry School District provides K-12 environmental science and ecology programming, integrating innovative technologies and practices into the instructional practices, including a PA-approved Agricultural Science vocational program and nationally recognized FFA program.

Game-based Learning

The Fort Cherry School District provides game-based instructional programs to students in grades 8-12 utilizing the Zulama program. Courses include: World Cultures (Evolution of Games), Game Design, Mobile Game Design, Creative Writing Workshop (Scriptwriting), 3D Modeling, Introduction to Computer Programming (GameMaker Programming 1), and Unity 3D Programming (GameMaker Programming 2 & Unity 3D).

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